
silkworm room Learn more about silkworm room

  • Conditions and main technical requirements for co-rearing of young silkworms

    Conditions and main technical requirements for co-rearing of young silkworms

    First, the purpose of co-rearing young silkworms, as the saying goes, "raise half of the young silkworms", which fully illustrates the importance of raising young silkworms. The purpose of the co-rearing of young silkworms is to enhance the physique of young silkworms to ensure the safety of large silkworms and to achieve high quality and high yield of cocoons. The advantages of small silkworm co-rearing are as follows: (1) it is beneficial to realize scientific sericulture, adopt advanced sericulture technology and facilities, promote the neat development and strong physique of young silkworms, provide guarantee for large silkworm rearing, and lay the foundation for high and stable cocoon production. (2) it is beneficial to disinfection and disease prevention. Overcome the resistance of young silkworms to adverse environment

  • Pre-disinfection of silkworms is very important.

    Pre-disinfection of silkworms is very important.

    Pre-disinfection of silkworms is very important.

  • Integrated control of infectious silkworm disease

    Integrated control of infectious silkworm disease

    In the process of sericulture, it is often due to the occurrence of infectious silkworm disease, resulting in poor cocoon harvest and cocoon quality decline. Therefore, disinfection and disease prevention must run through the whole process of sericulture. On the basis of focusing on the disinfection before sericulture, we should do a good job in disease prevention and disinfection after sericulture, and carry out comprehensive prevention and control in order to completely eliminate bacteria and put an end to the occurrence of infectious silkworm diseases. First, eliminate diseased silkworms in time. Many infectious silkworm diseases, such as midgut purulent disease, viral malacia, particle disease, bacterial gastrointestinal disease and so on. Silkworms tend to behave at the initial stage of infection with the above diseases.

  • How to raise silkworms in summer and autumn

    How to raise silkworms in summer and autumn

    The key factors for the success or failure of silkworm rearing in summer and autumn are leaf quality, climate and diseases and insect pests, followed by silkworm varieties, sericulture technology and equipment conditions. Therefore, in order to raise autumn silkworms well, we must carefully analyze the factors affecting the production of silkworms in summer and autumn, grasp the key points, grasp the time, and create.

    2020-11-08 Summer and autumn silkworm how to raise summer and autumn silkworm feeding nurturance failure key
  • Pay attention to ten points of sericulture in summer and autumn

    Pay attention to ten points of sericulture in summer and autumn

    When it comes to silkworms, we are no stranger. I think many people, like editors, had the experience of sericulture when they were young, but at that time we were raising silkworms for fun, as a kind of good memories of childhood. But many people have to make a fortune by sericulture.

    2020-11-08 In summer and autumn sericulture pay attention ten o'clock speaking of silkworms in fact everyone it is not
  • New technology of sericulture in greenhouse

    New technology of sericulture in greenhouse

    Silkworms reproduce with eggs. When the larvae grow up, they will shed their skin and then become mature silkworms. From the mature silkworms, they begin to spin cocoons and pupate. When the pupa completes its development, it will shed its pupa skin and become an adult. After the adult worm will break the cocoon and become a moth, then mate and lay eggs.

    2020-11-08 Greenhouse sericulture new technology silkworm so egg reproduction larva
  • Key points of Disease Control techniques for Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Key points of Disease Control techniques for Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    In the process of rearing silkworms, the occurrence of silkworm disease is closely related to the physique of larvae, pathogens and environmental conditions. Sericulture farmers do not disinfect silkworm rooms and silkworm utensils thoroughly, extensive management techniques and poor environmental conditions during rearing, which are not conducive to the growth and development of larvae, which can easily lead to the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms and cause diseases due to the decline of larval physique, resulting in a large number of diseases of larvae and causing great economic losses to sericulture farmers. In order to effectively control the occurrence of larval diseases, during the period of rearing silkworm larvae,

  • Silkworm room disinfection technology: how to disinfect silkworms? How to disinfect silkworm wares in silkworm house

    Silkworm room disinfection technology: how to disinfect silkworms? How to disinfect silkworm wares in silkworm house

    How to disinfect silkworm wares in silkworm houses?

  • Matters needing attention of sericulture in summer and autumn

    Matters needing attention of sericulture in summer and autumn

    Sericulture in China has been a thousand years of culture and history, so our country can be regarded as a large country with rich experience in sericulture. The matters needing attention in each season and stage of sericulture are different. Therefore, breeders should first understand the living habits of silkworms.

    2020-11-08 Sericulture in summer and autumn points for attention in our country
  • Let you raise silkworms in summer and autumn at ten o'clock.

    Let you raise silkworms in summer and autumn at ten o'clock.

    I think we are still very familiar with silkworms. Sericulture has a history of thousands of years since ancient times. In ancient China, some people have planted mulberry and sericulture, so we should pay attention to certain techniques and skills in the process of sericulture. Let you have summer and autumn at ten o'clock

    2020-11-08 Ten o'clock let you summer and autumn raise silkworms for silkworms I think everyone
  • How many days does it take for silkworm eggs to hatch? How to keep it until next year? How to judge whether the silkworm eggs are alive or dead?

    How many days does it take for silkworm eggs to hatch? How to keep it until next year? How to judge whether the silkworm eggs are alive or dead?

    China is the first country in the world to raise silkworms to produce silk fabrics, which originated from the period of the Yellow Emperor and has a history of more than 4000 years. The silkworm goes through four different stages in its life, namely, egg, larva, pupa and adult. How many days does it take for silkworm eggs to hatch? What?

    2020-11-11 Silkworm eggs hatching need how much days how save to next year
  • Causes and control of Bombyx mori Beauveria bassiana

    Causes and control of Bombyx mori Beauveria bassiana

    Beauveria bassiana is caused by Beauveria bassiana invading silkworm through skin. The route of infection is contact infection, the silkworm is soft and then hard after death, and the whole body is covered with white conidia, which is called "Beauveria bassiana". Beauveria bassiana likes to be wet and afraid of dryness, and silkworms are prone to disease in wet places and rainy seasons; if the work of detoxification and disease prevention is neglected in silkworm period, it will cause the epidemic of Beauveria bassiana. The cause of Beauveria bassiana ① the silkworm rooms and utensils co-reared by young silkworms were not thoroughly disinfected according to the prescribed standards, and there were a lot of Beauveria bassiana residues.

  • Techniques of disinfection and disease prevention in silkworm rearing

    Techniques of disinfection and disease prevention in silkworm rearing

    With the large-scale development of the western region, the state began to implement the plan of "moving mulberry from the east to the west". In the new round of industrial structure adjustment, many places in Yunnan Province have focused on supporting sericulture as a characteristic industry to increase farmers' income and become rich. However, in the process of sericulture, the outbreak of silkworm disease is caused by lax disinfection or improper methods, which often leads to no cocoon harvest and heavy economic losses. Thorough disinfection and prevention of disease and putting an end to pathogen transmission are the key measures to seize the high quality and high yield of silkworm cocoons. 1. Disinfection of sericulture officials

  • How to disinfect the sericulture room when raising silkworms? Are there any other points for attention?

    How to disinfect the sericulture room when raising silkworms? Are there any other points for attention?

    Sericulture has a long history, and there has been this project as early as ancient times. Now many people in the market like to buy silk quilts, in fact, the price of silk quilts is very high, so it is good to feed silkworms in rural areas. After all, choosing silk is very large.

    2020-11-11 Sericulture silkworm room how to disinfect and what matters needing attention
  • The key to how to raise silkworms well

    The key to how to raise silkworms well

    Sericulture in China has a history of hundreds of years, in ancient times, people began to grow mulberry and sericulture, and China's silk industry has been developing well since ancient times, so our experience and technology in sericulture are very rich. Below

    2020-11-08 How to raise silkworms well the key is to raise sericulture in our country.
  • Methods and matters needing attention of sericulture

    Methods and matters needing attention of sericulture

    The lovely appearance of the baby silkworm is deeply loved by the children. it is a very interesting process to watch the baby silkworm grow up and cocoon into a silkworm moth. So what are the methods of sericulture? What are the precautions? Next, let's study together. Each stage

    2020-11-08 Sericulture methods and matters needing attention silkworm baby but love
  • Causes and Preventive measures of Silkworm poisoning

    Causes and Preventive measures of Silkworm poisoning

    In the process of sericulture, poisoning sometimes occurs, which affects the growth and development of silkworms and causes a large number of deaths. Therefore, silkworm farmers must pay attention to it and take measures to avoid loss. 1. Gas poisoning silkworm eggs green stage or young silkworm one or two instar stage, the temperature of silkworm room is low, need to be heated. If coal products are used for heating, and there are no exhaust facilities on the coal stove, the toxic gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide accumulate in the silkworm room, which can cause poisoning of silkworm eggs and silkworms. Bombyx mori eggs are poisoned during the green stage and are prone to dead eggs or uneven hatching.

  • How to identify the health of big silkworms

    How to identify the health of big silkworms

    First, when sniffing into the silkworm room, smell the smell of the silkworm room. If the silkworm room has only the fresh smell of mulberry leaves, but no other peculiar smell, it shows that the silkworm is disease-free. Second, after listening to mulberry with your ears, if you hear the sound of silkworms eating mulberry like a light rain, it shows that the big silkworms are healthy. Third, observe the body color of silkworms with your eyes, and the body color of healthy silkworms is generally blue and white. The skin of eating silkworms is tense and shiny, and the action is lively, raising the head and chest at rest; the dorsal vascular segment beats rhythmically; the population develops in the same size; feces have a certain shape (except mature silkworms).

  • Techniques for rearing autumn silkworms

    Techniques for rearing autumn silkworms

    1. The characteristics of autumn silkworm period most of the mulberry cutting patterns in our city are spring fist cutting, with less spring leaves and more autumn leaves, which provides sufficient feed for the rearing of autumn silkworms. At the same time, the temperature was higher in the early stage and lower in the later stage, which was suitable for the physiological requirements of silkworm. Therefore, the root

    2020-11-08 Culture autumn silkworm technology one autumn silkworm period characteristics
  • Feeding and management techniques of silkworm

    Feeding and management techniques of silkworm

    Feeding and management techniques of silkworm
